Health and Safety in
Common Health and Safety risk areas include:
Slips, Trips and Falls
Machine Guarding
Powered Industrial Trucks
Manufacturing is and always has been a critical part of our economy so it’s no surprise that this sector quickly responded to the impact of COVID-19, the most obvious example was the repurposing of machinery and materials to produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Subsectors of the industry continued through the crisis producing steel, pharmaceuticals, food and packaging etc. keeping the country supplied and operating. Businesses within manufacturing ranging from heavy industries to specialist or delicate operators adapted to the changing rules as the crisis progressed.
We can help you continue to adapt and respond and we understand that because of the diversity with in the industry the Health and Safety hazards are often specific to the processes involved, which differ substantially between industry/subsector.
The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) analysis of the sector is:
Responsible for 15% of UK GDP and 50% of total exports
Directly employs approximately 8.5% of workforce (2.5 million people), but 16% of reported injuries to employees
Small businesses and self-employed account for 35% of workforce. 43.5% are employed by large businesses
Ageing workforce with 30% over 50
These characteristics mean that the management of health risk becomes an essential element of all businesses in the sector and we can help you with this. But the base legislation is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which requires a business employing more than 5 people to:
Appoint a competent person to help you manage health and safety in your business
Prepare a health and safety policy
Identify hazards and assess risks at work
Involve your workers and inform them about health and safety
Tell your workers what their health and safety duties are
Report accidents and illness
There are some specific laws that require compliance depending on the nature of your services and our advisors at John Green Health and Safety can help you navigate them efficiently and effectively, keeping your customers, employees and members of the public safe.