Health and Safety in
Common Health and Safety risk areas include:
Hazardous Substances
Working From Height
Slips, Trips and Falls
Moving Objects
Before the current health crisis the government promised a million new homes by 2025 and increased investment into the sector. Recent reports suggest this is still on the horizon and businesses within this sector should be confident that despite the current situation, they will not be overlooked. So as the construction sector starts to look forward, Health and Safety will remain a top priority. After all, this is an industry in which its workers already have a high risk of developing diseases from a number of health issues. Add to that, mental health issues which pose some of the biggest risks faced by construction workers. We can help you as lockdown is loosened but the dangers in your industry remain.
The Construction industry covers a wide spectrum of businesses; from clients and designers at the start of a project through to developers, contractors, and sub-contractors at the completion of the project. Each have their own, specific, challenges in day-to-day activity. Our experienced people can help no whatever type of business you are or wherever you are on your journey with Health, Safety and compliance. We can help with:
Compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
Client advice
Designer advice
Principal designer advice and implementation
Principal contractor advice and implementation
Contractor advice and implementation
Construction worker advice
SSIP accreditation
Constructionline accreditation
Safe Contractor accreditation
There are some specific laws that require compliance depending on the nature of your services and our advisors at John Green Health and Safety can help you navigate them efficiently and effectively, keeping your customers, employees and members of the public safe.